Used a Philips CPAP Machine and diagnosed with Lung Cancer or another ailment? Find out what your Case is Worth.

In June 2021, Philips recalled millions of sleep apnea and ventilator machines, most of which are of the DreamStation CPAP unit. The recall involves millions of sleep apnea and ventilator devices, increasing the risk of lung injury and cancer due to inhalation of foam particles.

  • We'll analyze the situation at no cost or obligation.
  • Determine if you are entitled to file for compensation.
  • Show you the next steps if you decide to pursue compensation.


Philips Recalls Millions of CPAP and Other Breathing Machines Including:

  • CPAP and BiLevel PAP
  • DreamStation ASV
  • DreamStation ST, AVAPS
  • SystemOne ASV4
  • C Series ASV, S/T, AVAPS
  • OmniLab Advanced Plus In-Lab Titration Device
  • SystemOne Q series
  • DreamStation CPAP, Auto CPAP, BiPAP
  • DreamStation Go CPAP, APAP
  • Dorma 400, 500 CPAP
  • REMStar SE Auto CPAP
  • Mechanical Ventilators
  • Trilogy 100 Ventilator
  • Trilogy 200 Ventilator
  • Garbin Plus
  • Aeris
  • LifeVent Ventilator
Philips CPAP Claim Compensation

Sound-reducing Foam Liner May Be to Blame

The recalled Philips CPAP and ventilator devices were linked to an increased risk of Lung Cancer, other Respiratory injuries and/or failure, Kidney or Liver problems, and many other symptoms. The injuries are thought to be caused by a polyester-based polyurethane (PE-PUR) foam used to make the machines quieter. However, this foam may degrade into tiny particles, entering into the device to be inhaled. Inhaling, ingesting, or absorbing these particles can increase your risk of lung cancer and other injuries.


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Philips CPAP Claim Compensation

What Should You Do if You Use a Recalled CPAP Machine?

First, complete the form on this page so that there is a record of your reporting any injuries. According to the recall, if you currently use one of the recalled CPAP and Bi-level PAP machines, you should stop immediately and speak to your doctor about alternative devices to address your sleep apnea. Likewise, if you use one of the recalled ventilators, do not do anything without consulting your physician first.

Philips CPAP Claim Compensation

Get the Compensation you Deserve

Our legal team can help you acquire the compensation you and your family deserve. We can help you register and begin the process to get you compensated now.

We'll help you determine the amount of compensation you could receive. There is NO COST to you for this FREE Claim Evaluation, and there is no out-of-pocket cost to you if compensated.


Our experience team imagesl help you register and maximize the amount of compensation you receive.

Time is Limited. Register Now to Obtain Compensation

OR CALL 1-800-287-8000